Decluttering & Organizing
Garage, kitchen, pantry, spice rack, closets, attics, workspaces, holiday decor & more.
Decluttering does not mean you have to throw away things! It does mean however that you need to sort it and organize it. If this is a spice rack, shoe closet or a garage, our process is the same. Sort it “like to like”- sneakers go with sneakers, boots go with boots. Bring it all out, sort it and then decide how it goes back. As part of our assessment, Krisp may recommend baskets or bins…. you may have those already or you may need to purchase. Labeling is also a nice addition and ensures that items go back to their designated place.
“The command center helped me be organized the most. The command center allowed for mail and personal items to come into our house, be sorted by person, posted or entered on our common calendar or to be immediately tossed. Beyond mail, there are places for coats, keys, homework, backpacks, sunglasses, shoes and even a laundry basket not so far away for anything “accidentally” left where it should not be. Things do not pile up on my kitchen counters and the mail gets sorted right away. I also have a bulletin board and chalkboard to put reminders on for the family and inspirational thoughts.”